2011년 6월 20일 월요일

#10 - Final Farewell

Today, I'm very happy that finished the final exam.

Lastly, I want to tell you enjoy your life! You're only young once. :)

Ryan! Thank you for teaching me how to write essay.

Good bye!

2011년 6월 5일 일요일

#9 - Summary & Response / Citation

   Mexican slugger Karim Garcia return to the Korea baseball Organization(KBO) league. He recently signed with the Hanwha Eagles for an $180,000. He spent three years in the Lotte Giants. He was award the Golden Glove as the best outfielder in 2008. Last year, he go back to his country after finished season. The Hanwha is expecting to make strong line-up.

  I'm the Hanwha Eagles big fan. So I'm very happy about this news. The Hanwha finished last in the season during the past two years. This year is no ordinary new year. Today, the Hanwha won the game. I really hope that the Hanwha enters the playoffs.

"Mexican slugger Garcia to return to Korean baseball league" The Korea Times 03 Jun. 2011

2011년 5월 21일 토요일

#8 - Compare and Contrast: Two Products or Two Restaurants

   Car is one of the world's best inventions. Today, there are many kinds of cars. If you were worried what to buy the first car in your life, I would recommend two small cars to you. One of them is the Morning, and the other is the Matiz.
   Low car price is the advantage of both cars. The car price is about 9 million won. These are well worth the price. Also, stability of this product has been verified through tests. Both cars are equipped with a lot of airbag.
   Despite their similarities, these cars are different. Most people who have a car are worried about oil price. The Matiz has a gas mileage of 17 kilometers per liter. It's pretty gas mileage. However the Morning is more fuel-efficient. And Unlike the Matiz, the Morning has many convenience devices like voice recognition navigation.
   In conclusion, these cars are all good products. Given a choice of the two cars, I would choose the Morning. I think the Morning is better than the Matiz. When purchasing a car, you consider buying a small car.

#7 - Compare and Contrast: Two Places

   I have attended two different schools. One of them is Seoil university, and the other is Seoultech university. I transferred from Seoil university to Seoultech university. I have happy memories of my years in both places. But Seoultech and Seoil had different environments.
   Both schools have its own playground. In contrast to Seoultech, you can't play soccer in Seoil. Because Seoil playground is too small. And if you want to see the whole school, Seoultech should take more than a hour. Seoil should take about 30 minutes. Both schools are close to my house, so that's good. It takes about 50 minutes from my house to Seoultech by bus. Similarly, the other takes about 40 minutes.
   In conclusion, for me, Seoil was a place to raise dreams, Seoultech is a place to realize dreams. These has unforgettable memories for me.

2011년 4월 30일 토요일

#6 - For the Sake of Argument Part II

   I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But eating too much breakfast is bad for your health. People who eat breakfast tend to eat more calories throughout the day. They take in too many calories for the energy they need.
   Generally, breakfast eaters, even though they consumed more calories, were less likely to be overweight than those who skipped breakfast. You should eat low calorie breakfast.

2011년 4월 23일 토요일

#5 - For the Sake of Argument

   Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
   First of all, Breakfast is very healthful. Breakfast may help control overweight problem. According to research, eating breakfast, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight could cut cancer rates by 30 to 40 percent.
   Also, Breakfast may help improve ability. If you regularly eat breakfast, you improve concentration and attention. Because breakfast is to supply nutrition in the brain. And it is important for adults  as well as the children.

2011년 4월 9일 토요일

#4 - A Short Personal Story

   Last weekend, I saw an accident for the first time of my life. My friend was injured during football game. We palyed soccer with another team. When we were losing the game, there was an accident.
   The two football players are going at each other head-to-head. We were surprised that blood was flowing from the wound.  He broke his tooth. We stopped the game. We went directly to the hospital. He was treated implant.
   I still remember the accident. I think soccer is strenuous exercise. I learned that we should be careful all the time.

2011년 4월 1일 금요일

#3 - Describe a Setting

  I will introduce a Seoul grand park. Another name is Seoul zoo.

   The Seoul grand park is one of the well known place to excursion. Many people would have been there when they're young. You can see many children if you go there now. 

   There are many interesting animals living on other country. And the highlight of the Seoul grand park is the dolphin show. It runs four times a day. The admission is 2,000 won. It's cheap compared to other shows. 
   There is a short marathon course. I have been finished the course when i was in high school. It's hard but I could feel the sense of accomplishment.

2011년 3월 19일 토요일

#2 - An admirable Individual

An Chul Soo

  He first maked the vaccine program in Korea. Most people knows a program. He is very smart. He was studied stay up all night when he developed.

  He succesful finished all career. He has many jobs. He was doctor, programmer, and CEO. Now, He is professor. He would have been great effort.

  His act of kindness warmed the hearts of those around him. The vaccine program provides free. He gives lectures in a university located in the country. He was loved by many people.

2011년 3월 10일 목요일

#1 - Introductions

 Hello! Everyone~!

 My name is Dong-Gyun, An. I'm from Seoul. I've lived in Seoul for 27 years. So I want to travel all over the country.
 My major is computer engineering. I'm studying software development. I want to be game developers. And I want to establish a game company like Blizzard. It's my future goals.

                                               < Blizzard CEO - Mike Morhaime >

 My hobby is playing soccer. And now I'm intereted in making smart phone application. If you have a good idea, tell me please. I'll make a return for your idea.

 If you want to improve english essay skills. Let's start studying together!

 Have a nice day!

2011년 1월 25일 화요일

#15 Farewell and Final Thoughts

   I think time is so quicklyThe first goal of this class began to speak English is a comfortable. I have been some goals to achieve.  I was an interesting experience. It was a pleasureI'll see you next semester.
  Good bye! Have a nice day! ^^

#14 Sleep and Dreams

   I think dreaming is just something humans do. Unrealistic a lot of work takes place in a dream. I guess If you think a lot of before sleep, seems to be dreaming. Sometimes, I saw the scene in the dream that appears in the real life. It's surprise. Most people call Deja vu. I can not explain that. 

#13 Gestures

   I  think the difference between each country's gesture  might be a problem from the historical differences.

   First, 'Thums-up'. It means  good going in Korea and US. On the other hand, Bangladesh, the Islamic countries means mockery. It's very negative connotation.

   Second,  'Little finger-up'. It means girlfriend or boyfriend in Korea. On the other hand, In US, It means indicating that have insignificant.

   Finally, 'Your palm facing upward with two fingers to craeate V'. It means victory and peace in Korea and US. Many people are posing when their's take a picture. However, In England, it means an insult . If you visit England, you be careful.

2011년 1월 21일 금요일

#12 A Short Story

   I think love is the most important in life. But most people think money is the most important. I disagree this opinion. Money is important but not all. Money can not buy happiness. Love helps us to be stronger. Love make to happy for a lot of people. Please start love. ^^

#11 Superstitions

    I don't believe the superstitions. There is no proof that it was. I think coincidence. But i had heard a few superstitions. For example, do not cut the nails before the test. If you cut your nails will ruin the test. Finally, the superstitions seems to role that encouraged people.

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

#10 FREE WRITING 2 - Seoul Photo Festival

   I want to introduce Seoul Photo Festival. This festival will look into Seol through photographics and reflect upon Seoul itself. So, the festival purpose to return Seoul back to Seoul. You can see a lot of beautiful photos about Seoul.

   Information. Exhibition dates is December 10, 2010 to January 31, 2011. Exhibition venue is Seoul museum of Art Kyunghigung Branch, Namseoul Branch. Opening hour is 10 AM to 6 PM but every monday is closed. And the point is free of charge. If you want to go, please visit http://www.seoulphotography.com/. There is more information.

2011년 1월 15일 토요일

#9 Eyeless Sight - Stevie Wonder

   Do you know Stevie Wonder? Maybe, you know this man. He's a very famous singer. He is known more through the 'Infinite Challenge ' TV program.

   He always wears sunglasses. He is blind but he have a great talent in music composition. Many musicians, music experts have admired his genius. I like his music. Through his music, I learned a lot of pop songs.

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

#8 Mastering a New Language

Which type of learner do you think you are?
- I think i am visual learner.

What methods do you use to learn English?
- I usually uesd watching dramas and movies.

Have you used any methods that didn't work very well in the past? 
- Yes, I just saw books. It's bad method. It's should be more something.

Have you have tried any new methods recently that have really helped you to improve your English language learning?
- Yes, I'm chaged reading-skill. First, Choice an easy book and read slowly. Next, Unknow words is skip and overall atmosphere of article understand. Finally, Unknown parts analyze and read again.

#7 Personal Space

Why would there be a different notion of personal space across cultures?
-  Honestly, I didn't think about it much. But i guess old people had never met a long time therefore the cultures are different.

Why do Americans require more personal space than Koreans? 
- I think Americans have been learned more freedom and more responsibility from an early age than Koreans. So Americans require more personal space.

What are your own personal space needs?
-  I need a quiet place and 0.5 feet distance.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

#6 A Tale of the Unexpected - The horse racing stadium

   I will introduce "The horse racing stadium". Many people think horse racing is gambling but is not true. It is an interesting game. Families and couples has been a lot of visited and it's available park in the stadium. In this picture, people is stand up to see the winner of running horses. There are hoping to win the horse of their choose. The player wearing a red hat riding hard to win with dark brown horse.

2011년 1월 9일 일요일


   How often did you see the American drama? I wanna intoroduce the American drama "Lie to me". Season3 is currently airing in the United States. And Korea Cable TV Show began broadcasting.

   The hero of this drama, using the psychology of people catched the killer. Dr. Reitman(the hero) find their lies that appears when you talk to people and seeing their reaction. The drama is similar to the Mentallist. If you are interested watch the drama.

2011년 1월 6일 목요일

#4 School Days

   Korea is interested in education. So much more to say about education. I think the motivation is a positive side. Most students are aware that they have to study why. Even Obama has also praised South Korea education. And the negative is that education is a severe interference. Although the unique privilege of training teachers in schools to increase children's acceptance rate absurd to focus only.
   The study will, it is important to his. So i think student should get in on the desired course since high school. So many of the issues related to education will decrease.

2011년 1월 5일 수요일

#3 A Person you Admire or Respect - Ahn chul soo

   He is one of very smart people. He first maked vaccine program in Korea. And he is a chair-professor of KAIST. He is good speaker. His lectures are very popular.

   He is a unique person. He has many jobs. He started as a doctor and programmer, CEO, professor. All career finished successfully. He would have been great effort. This is why i admire.

2011년 1월 4일 화요일

#2 Advertising - Let's Start It!


I want to introduce a good application. The application name is MyGuardian. It made me and my friends. It's help to come home in safety at late night. It is very simple to operate and  more correct than others. It can be used anywhere in received GPS. If you use this application, your safety is guaranteed.

Let's start it!

2011년 1월 3일 월요일

#1 Introduction

Hi! Everyone.
My name is An DongGyun.
I'm senior and majoring in computer engineering.
My hobbies is playing soccer and doing internet.
I will be game developers.
And, My future goals is a game company CEO. ^^

Now my interest is androidphone application development.
Thanks for reading.