2011년 4월 1일 금요일

#3 - Describe a Setting

  I will introduce a Seoul grand park. Another name is Seoul zoo.

   The Seoul grand park is one of the well known place to excursion. Many people would have been there when they're young. You can see many children if you go there now. 

   There are many interesting animals living on other country. And the highlight of the Seoul grand park is the dolphin show. It runs four times a day. The admission is 2,000 won. It's cheap compared to other shows. 
   There is a short marathon course. I have been finished the course when i was in high school. It's hard but I could feel the sense of accomplishment.

댓글 4개:

  1. Nice to meet you!~~
    I want to go Seoul grand park.
    Have you seen white Bear? it was very cute haha:)

  2. hi, actually, i haven't been there . but rand childrend'park is just near my house.... have you ever went there?

  3. Hi ! I want to go seoul grand park too!:)

  4. It's been so long that I've been there... I want to go there again
