2011년 1월 4일 화요일

#2 Advertising - Let's Start It!


I want to introduce a good application. The application name is MyGuardian. It made me and my friends. It's help to come home in safety at late night. It is very simple to operate and  more correct than others. It can be used anywhere in received GPS. If you use this application, your safety is guaranteed.

Let's start it!

댓글 5개:

  1. Wow!

    I pray to your application sell, well.

    I wanna be Smart User likely Early Adopter.

  2. Interesting. You will have to tell me how it works sometime and perhaps give a demonstration.

  3. it's surprise!!
    it's similar iphone's 'do you believe me' appication. it's very interesting.

  4. wow!! where do I download this app.?

  5. Thank you for your interest!
    This application does not sell yet.
    But i will register andorid market in this month.
