I will introduce "The horse racing stadium". Many people think horse racing is gambling but is not true. It is an interesting game. Families and couples has been a lot of visited and it's available park in the stadium. In this picture, people is stand up to see the winner of running horses. There are hoping to win the horse of their choose. The player wearing a red hat riding hard to win with dark brown horse.
I want to go there someday!
답글삭제Where I grew up in the United States, there was a dog-racing track. People would gamble on which Greyhound dog would win the race. Are there any dog-racing stadiums in Korea, or do you guys only race horses?
답글삭제I know there is no dog-racing in public. And boat-racing has been existed.
답글삭제Someday I will go horse racing stadium!
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what should I comment on the next hang out with my boy
friend, maybe today I will tell my friendsabout this one and
get debate.
Wow I have read your article and by the way I found you website
on Google and I think after I read several post on you
website especially this one I have my own opinion about
what should I comment on the next hang out with my boy
friend, maybe today I will tell my friendsabout this one and
get debate.
I certainly enjoyed the way you explore your experience and
답글삭제knowledge of the subject! Keep up on it. Thanks for sharing the info
ten cent superfecta
I need to check this one out! I always watch Philippine Racing Club races at Santa Ana Park. It is a thriller!